Wednesday, May 6, 2009


You shouldn't be.... these socks may look nice and orderly.... and it even appears that Gracie has quite a few socks..... not so!
I stopped counting these one-off socks when I hit 34.... Where do they go? Can you imagine what Gracie's sock drawer with that nicely organized bin would look like if we had all of the socks???


Jim and Juleen said...

Ahhhh..."Socks Without Partners." We know them well. We figure they have their own support group and so we keep them in a special bin where, hopefully, someday they can meet up again with their mate.

Donna said...

Ugh, this should toss me out of the finals for the Adoptive-Parent-Of-The-Year competition but we have a drawer called the "orphan drawer" and that's where all our unmatched socks go. I don't throw any unmatched socks away because they always, eventually, show up.

By the way, I can tell that you shop the $1 aisle at Target just like I do! I recognize some of those socks!!


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